A simple, rewarding way for your staff to set aside money each month and build a better future with the highest payroll-linked savings interest rate in the county (6.25%) and zero monthly fees.
Request a demoWith our automated, set-and-forget savings feature, employees can choose how much they want to save every payday. Floatpays takes care of the rest—automatically transferring the chosen savings amount into their savings wallet, while providing your payroll team with a clear, itemised deductions schedule. It's savings made simple.
Even small amounts make a big difference. With monthly micro-savings, 100% of your staff can start building a financial safety net. This simple habit reduces stress, boosts engagement, and drives productivity by helping employees stay focused on their goals—both personal and professional.
Automated savings creates long-term financial stability, preparing employees for both unexpected emergencies, helping them save for a goal and longer term retirement. Your team can take control of their financial future, with consistent savings helping them achieve meaningful, long-term financial benefits.